Visalvit Detox (apple flavor)

from Visalvit


Five natural extracts that contribute to activate, stimulate and protect the detoxification system.

  • 850 mg of artichoke extract
  • 280 mg of milk thistle extract
  • 250 mg of dandelion extract
  • 200 mg of green tea extract
  • 200 mg of broccoli extract

The artichoke (Cynara scolymus I.) contributes to detoxification by maintaining liver health.

Minimum order amount: 30.00 € Shipping time: 24 - 48h

More information

What is meant by detox?

On a daily basis, we talk about detox or detox products to abbreviate, but we are actually referring to the concept of detoxification or body cleansing.

Both bad habits (excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, etc.) and certain lifestyles (poor diet, stressful work rhythms) contribute to the excessive production of certain substances that we call toxins.

Normally, this detoxification is achieved by making changes in our diet. Our body has a "purifying" system (liver, kidneys) that is responsible for processing and eliminating these toxins. But sometimes our body can become overloaded due to the "work" we subject it to, and in these cases, it is convenient to reinforce and stimulate that purifying system.

Visalvit Detox

In order to carry out a good detoxification, it is necessary to analyze our eating habits (both bad habits and our regular diet) and make changes that promote the elimination of toxins.

On the other hand, we can also help our body by supporting the organs involved in cleansing our body. One way is to consume foods that can help, such as artichoke. Artichoke (Cynara scolymus I.) contributes to detoxification by maintaining liver health.

Precisely, the main component of Visalvit Detox is artichoke, which, along with extracts from other plants, aims to help our detoxification system do its job.

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