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Eristoff 1L Vodka is a premium vodka from Georgia. It is produced by Eristoff, which is owned by the Bacardí group.
For over 200 years, the family's heritage has lived in every bottle of Eristoff: from the secret recipe to the symbol of the wolf, whose spirit embodies a raw, brave, and instinctive attitude towards life.
Vodka Eristoff 1L is made 100% from pure grain, which contains the appropriate level of moisture and pure character and demineralized water. It is obtained through triple distillation of grain alcohol, and filtered through carbon, according to the original 1806 recipe created by Nicolai Alexandrovich Eristoff.
It is filtered through charcoal to ensure absolute purity and create a clean and fresh taste.
Appearance: Vodka Eristoff has a crystal clear color.
Nose: It presents a great cleanliness and purity on the nose.
Palate: It has a slight touch of licorice and green apple that leaves a smooth and creamy taste.