'Botella 70cl.'
Alcoholic grade
Sight: 'Presenta un aspecto visual limpio y brillante, con un color cristalino que refleja su pureza.'
Mouth: 'En boca se percibe sabor suave y ligeramente afrutado, con un toque de vainilla y notas de hierbas frescas. '
Nose: 'En nariz desprende fragancia limpia y fresca, con sutiles notas de hierbas y un ligero toque afrutado. Se perciben también delicadas notas de vainilla y un fondo cremoso, que reflejan su destilación cuidadosa. '
VODKA PURITY ORGANIC CRAFT NORDIC SIGNATURE 34: Represents the classic combination of juniper, basil, and thyme. But to create a new flavor experience, the distillery uses Nordic berries and other herbs in its recipe to obtain new aromatic and floral notes.
Purity Craft Nordic Dry Gin takes the flavor experience much further. The production process begins with the award-winning Purity Vodka, distilled 34 times, as a base before being mixed with a complex selection of herbs and berries during distillation to achieve maximum flavor.
Furthermore, the deep and complex flavor of Purity Craft Nordic Dry Gin comes from the blend of thyme, basil, and juniper. But when the unique nuances of cranberry, European blueberries, and other herbaceous ingredients like lavender are added, the spirit becomes something more, a gin unique in nuances and purity.
If you have any doubts when buying Vodka Purity Craft Nordic, please contact the sommelier of our online store vinopremier.