8.00% off
Ideal with sausage, cheese, white meats, stuffed eggs Ideal for Japanese dishes, salmon, ...
160 grams
Very smooth, you will love it mixed with potato salad or with boiled prawns, with fish. With sushi it is more than perfect.
It goes well with sausage, cheese, white meats, stuffed eggs Ideal for Japanese dishes, salmon,...
It's ideal for Japanese dishes, salmon,...
160 grams
For those who enjoy products with vegetable origins, we have a wide selection
From the vegetable origins we have a wide selection
Click here if you would like to see more
, usually within 48 to 72 hours working days from our shipping confirmation. However, in extreme cases, transport incidents may occur, ensuring that the maximum period will never exceed 7 working days from the shipping confirmation, or we will refund the full amount of your order.
The shipping cost will be 6,00 € for home delivery,
Shipping cost will be 6,00 € for home delivery,
If the sum of the items included in the same order exceeds 70,00 € the shipping will be FREE.
Shipping cost will be FREE.
Shipping cost
8.00% off
Ideal with sausage, cheese, white meats, stuffed eggs Ideal for Japanese dishes, salmon, ...
160 grams
Very smooth, you will love it mixed with potato salad or with boiled prawns, with fish. With sushi it is more than perfect.
It goes well with sausage, cheese, white meats, stuffed eggs Ideal for Japanese dishes, salmon,...
It's ideal for Japanese dishes, salmon,...
160 grams
For those who enjoy products with vegetable origins, we have a wide selection
From the vegetable origins we have a wide selection
Click here if you would like to see more
, usually within 48 to 72 hours working days from our shipping confirmation. However, in extreme cases, transport incidents may occur, ensuring that the maximum period will never exceed 7 working days from the shipping confirmation, or we will refund the full amount of your order.
The shipping cost will be 6,00 € for home delivery,
Shipping cost will be 6,00 € for home delivery,
If the sum of the items included in the same order exceeds 70,00 € the shipping will be FREE.
Shipping cost will be FREE.
Shipping cost