The price shown is an estimate based on the weight of the product. The final price will depend on the weight of the delivered product.
Box of 20 kg of red Rudolph potatoes, very similar to red pontiac potatoes, these are more elongated and with fewer eyes, with white flesh and very easy to peel. It is a very versatile potato that can be used for frying or boiling.
Potato is a carbohydrate-rich food, of great importance in our daily diet, so nutrition experts recommend its daily consumption, along with vegetables, salads, legumes, purees, etc., as a first course or as a side dish for mains.
It contains a high percentage of water (75%-80%), its dry matter is made up of starches, sugars, and proteins (low content), and it also contains mineral substances such as potassium and magnesium.
The vast majority of the calories it provides come from its carbohydrates, especially starch, which is highly digestible. Potatoes thus serve as a good base for other ingredients, especially fats, although it always depends on their culinary preparation.
An appropriate choice of potato variety according to its culinary use, along with proper storage in a cool and dry environment, will allow you to maintain all its nutritional and organoleptic qualities, making it an exceptional and affordable food.
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