5.00% off
Half piece of Salchichón de Bellota Salchichón de Campaña de Salamanca from Artesana Jamonera.
Half piece of Salchichón de Bellota Campaña de Salamanca
Highest quality acorn-fed acorn-fed sausage. Elaborated in a natural way, with the best seasonings and with lean meats from Iberian pig of Acorn raised in Salamanca.
Approximate price
*Approximate price per piece of 1,4 Kg.
*Price per piece of 1,4 Kg
*In the preparation of fresh products, there may be a slight variation in the final price depending on the weight.
The Iberian pig is the native breed of the Iberian Peninsula, providing meat products with exceptional nutritional values.
Acorn Quality: This classification is the highest quality. These are Iberian pigs raised in total freedom in the meadows and have been fed with natural grass and acorns.
Artesana Jamonera has over 40 years of experience in the ham industry, offering products of the highest quality, guaranteeing proper curing and a quality that matches the characteristics of each product.
The selection of meat and lean is the same procedure as other Iberian cured meats.
The seasonings for the Iberian salchichón are black pepper, salt, coriander, and nutmeg.
The mixture is marinated for 24 hours and then rested for 40 days. It is then cooked with water, bay leaves, cloves, onion, and pepper. Afterwards, it is stuffed and cured in a space with the appropriate characteristics for 4 to 6 months.
In refrigeration: Tª = 5ºC
In freezing: Tª < -18ºC.
Package: vacuum-sealed in plastic bags and/or in polystyrene trays suitable for food use.
Packaging: cardboard boxes suitable for food use.
Refrigerated: 5 days
Refrigerated and vacuum-sealed: 15 days
Frozen: 18 months