Coffee Luis Ernesto Caturra COLOMBIA

from Randall Coffee Roasters


Country: Colombia Region: China Alta Farm: Los Aquacates Altitude: 1850m Variety: Caturra Process: Washed Producer: Luis Ernesto Harvest: 2024

A coffee from our producer Luis Ernesto Nieto that brings us a washed caturra, with notes of apple and honey with a hint of vanilla aftertaste. High sweetness, acidity and medium body with a pleasant mouthfeel.

Randall Coffee Roasters
No minimum order Shipping time: 24 - 48h

More information

The project you have in your hands is born as a collaboration between the three essential parts in the coffee chain: Producer, Roaster, and Coffee Shop. It arises from the search for a sustainable production model for all parties. We bring our realities closer to complement each other, through dialogue and experimentation we continuously improve our processes and present you with the best cup of coffee. Each bean has been handpicked in Colombia in the La Noria farms, roasted in Madrid by Randall Coffee Roasters, and prepared together with Ruda Café to satisfy the most curious palates. We hope you enjoy your coffee as much as we enjoy preparing it for you.
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