
Organic pulses and pasta (Guadalajara)

18 ratings
No minimum order
Shipping time: 48 - 72 h
9,70 €

Organic pulses and pasta (Guadalajara)


In 1998 Francisco Juberías transformed his farm into an ecological one, a pioneer for that time. Subsequently, in 2004, the transformer company was established and with the Despelta brand it commercialized products made with the cereals grown by Francisco in the Palazuelos-Sigüenza fertile plains at 1000 meters above sea level, in one of the foothills of the Central System.
We handcrafted whole grain and stone-ground whole grain flours with whole grain, as well as pasta with our flours, and we also pack the legumes that we use as part of our crop rotation.


To value sustainable agriculture together with the transformation in the place where we grow, so that the values remain in the area, generating jobs and wealth, establishing a population in one of the most depopulated rural areas in Spain.
for Team

Currently, Francisco Juberías and Carlos Moreno are leading the project. Paco in the agricultural tasks and Carlos in everything related to the transformation and commercialization. In total we are five people.
5 18 ratings
No minimum order
Shipping time: 48 - 72 h
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