Fine de-fatted organic regenerative almond flour 81%

from Almendrehesa


Organic fine 81% defatted regenerative almond flour, derived from the press of peeled sweet almonds from a soil and landscape restoration project in southeastern Spain, grown in dry farming conditions.
No minimum order Shipping time: 5 - 8 work days

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Fine 81% dehydrated almond flour, from the press of sweet almonds peeled from a soil and landscape restoration project in southeastern Spain, grown in dryland conditions. Finely sifted, it is one of the finest on the market. 85% soluble in water to make low-fat almond milk. For 1 liter of water, it is recommended to mix 75 g of fine almond flour and whisk in the blender jar. If you prefer not to have sediment, you can strain after preparation and store in a glass bottle in the fridge, it will last you a week. You can also use it to prepare desserts, fine breading, in your fruit salad, or in any dish where you want to add a great source of protein while being low in fat. Our regenerative organic 81% dehydrated almond flour comes from a very concise traceability process. Firstly, the almonds are collected from the farms of our farmers in the Estepario Altiplano, made up of the northern regions of Granada, the northern regions of Almería, and the northwest of Murcia, they are brought to our warehouse, go through a screening, and the quality is determined. Then, they are shelled, peeled to remove the skin, and, through pressing, the almond flour paste is obtained, which is then sifted and two types of sizes are obtained, fine and coarse. Our regenerative organic almonds contain, among other vitamins and minerals, abundance of vitamin E compared to other non-organic and even organic but non-regenerative almond oils. Among the benefits of Vitamin E we can find: - Great power to combat the appearance and development of cancer cells. - Reduces the risk of thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases due to its anticoagulant action. - Delays aging. - Improves the health of our eyes. - Participates in the formation of red blood cells. - Reduces chronic inflammation. - Maintains healthy and strong hair, skin, and nails. - Prevents Parkinson's. - Improves healing. - Prevents dementia and cognitive decline. - Promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system. - Improves memory and learning. - Contributes to the proper functioning of muscles and improves performance and recovery after physical activity. These regenerative organic almonds come from the Soil and Landscape Restoration project supported by the Alvelal Association and the Commonland Foundation. Hence its "regenerative" surname, which is due to the special practices with which the crops are cared for make them stand out from the rest and are reflected in the quality and flavor of the final product. Therefore, we believe it is important that this is reflected in its denomination. Our farmers were already within the framework of organic agriculture and for some years now, in 2016, adding the knowledge acquired through training and supervision of the Alvelal Association in regenerative practices. The farmers who formed the Almendrehesa society relied on this differential basis of the application of regenerative practices in their day-to-day and, thus, produce not only organic almonds but regenerative organic almonds of soil and landscape. These practices implemented through the 4 returns operational group are what ensure a fertile future for the next generations, those that aim to and are achieving that the nutrients of the soil remain and that biodiversity generates its own native ecosystem of the area. The applied practices include: - Creation of vegetative cover with native species chosen specifically to support that particular soil and its characteristics, within the framework of the ecosystem in which it is located. - Oasis creation through the creation of natural ponds for rainwater collection. - Whales to capture water near the trees and retain it. - Minimal tillage. - Planting of windbreak hedges to attract pollinators. - Planting of aromatic herbs. - Inclusion of bee panels. - Inclusion of extensive livestock on the farms. - Inclusion of green manures, pruning shredding, and addition to the soil. - Creation of infiltration ditches. - Etc.
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