Temporarily out of stock
Origin: Cantabrian Sea.
Origin: Cantabrian Sea
Whole piece of 750 grams approx.
Whole piece of 750 grams approx.
Whole piece of 750 grams approx
Hake is a cylindrical fish, with a thin, elongated and slender body, large head, flat on top, hake is part of the white fish or lean, with a percentage of fat less than 3%, within which highlights its content in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3.
Hake is a source of minerals such as selenium, phosphorus and potassium
It has a high protein content of high biological value; it is a source of minerals such as selenium, phosphorus and potassium.
With regard to vitamins, vitamin B12 is still the most notable (a serving of hake covers 80% of the recommended intake for men and women aged 20 to 39 years who do moderate physical activity), followed by vitamin B3 or niacin