Cut flower.
Properties of hibiscus:
• Reduces hypertension: contains relaxing substances that promote relaxation and helps lower blood pressure.
• Improves blood circulation.
• Is digestive.
• Its fleshy flower is vitamin-rich and appetizing, containing citric acid, tartaric acid, vitamins, and mineral salts.
• Excellent for helping to lose weight and eliminate toxins or chemical residues from the body.
• Decongests intestines, cleans them of parasites and microbes, and helps them stay in excellent condition.
• Lowers harmful cholesterol and regulates triglycerides.
• Is stimulating, so it is considered in some places as an aphrodisiac plant.
• Contains high doses of citric acid and ascorbic acid, powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from daily aggressions caused by free radicals, preventing the deterioration and premature aging of cells and tissues.
• Its high vitamin C content makes it an excellent remedy in cases of colds, infections, lung diseases, etc.
• It is a powerful antimicrobial, protecting the body from microbes and boosting defenses.
• Anticancer
• Antibacterial
Recommended for infusions:
Pour the contents of a tablespoon into boiling water and remove from the heat. Cover the container and let it rest for 8 to 10 minutes. If they are roots, bark, or seeds, simmer for 2 to 4 minutes. Strain and sweeten to taste.