Los cogollos venían bastante maltrechos
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Esta valoración no tiene comentarios
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Three units (this product is supplied in a tray to prevent it from losing its freshness and deteriorating easily in transport)
Three units (this product is supplied in a tray to prevent it from losing its freshness and deteriorating easily in transport)
Lettuce heads are a variety of lettuce with a more pronounced flavour and crunchy texture. They have a high water content (95%), vitamins (A and B9) and minerals (potassium, calcium and iodine)
Besides preparing tasty salads with them, they can accompany foods such as canned anchovies, fresh cheese, smoked salmon, chopped garlic, asparagus, tuna or with a vinaigrette sauce.
Tip!: If too much vinegar has been used in the dressing, you can add some breadcrumbs to the salad to absorb the excess vinegar. After ten minutes, remove the bread, add a little oil and thus fix the salad.
165 opinion(s)
287 opinion(s)
165 opinion(s)
2,62 €
260 opinion(s)
52 opinion(s)
2,54 €
105 opinion(s)
11,88 €
9 opinion(s)
28 opinion(s)