Ingredients: Hígado graso de pato 98%, agua, sal, pimienta blanca, conservador E-250 y antioxidante E-300.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: Imperia Foie Gras - Avenida Mas Vilà 102 n-1 Polígono Industrial - 17457 Riudellots de la Selva (España)
Weight: 75 gr.
Only with a raw material of extraordinary quality and the most delicate elaboration process is a natural duck foie gras like this one obtained, which exalts all the original qualities of the duck, surprising us with its powerful entry on the palate and a soft permanence in the mouth.
The block of natural duck foie gras of the well-known brand "Imperia" is a foie appreciated in haute cuisine due to its quality and great versatility
Ingredients: Hígado graso de pato 98%, agua, sal, pimienta blanca, conservador E-250 y antioxidante E-300.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: Imperia Foie Gras - Avenida Mas Vilà 102 n-1 Polígono Industrial - 17457 Riudellots de la Selva (España)
Weight: 75 gr.
Only with a raw material of extraordinary quality and the most delicate elaboration process is a natural duck foie gras like this one obtained, which exalts all the original qualities of the duck, surprising us with its powerful entry on the palate and a soft permanence in the mouth.
The block of natural duck foie gras of the well-known brand "Imperia" is a foie appreciated in haute cuisine due to its quality and great versatility