Appellation of origin
'D.O. Ribera del Duero'
'12 meses'
'Magnum 1.5L'
Alcoholic grade
Sight: 'En vista se presenta color rojo purpura con capa elevada.'
Mouth: 'En boca se presenta sedoso , firme y complejo .'
Nose: 'En nariz se presenta franco con frutas silvestres negras y rojas , muy bien ensambladas con el roble .'
RED WINE PAGO DE CARRAOVEJAS MAGNUMThis wine in magnum format is the definitive step towards terroir wines. is made with 95% Tinto fino grapes and 5% Cabernet Sauvignon. Belonging to the D.O. Ribera del Duero.
It is the only wine from the winery that abandons the traditional classification based on aging times to firmly join an unstoppable trend in Spain that defends the origin of the wine defends the originand characterof the wines above the standardized processesof winemaking.
The vineyard from which the grapes come has reached an extraordinary point of maturity.
If you have any doubts when buying Pago de Carraovejas Magnum red wine, please contact the sommelier of our online wine store and he will advise you without obligation.