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Gin Seagram's has become one of the most famous and best in terms of its quality-price ratio in the world of gin.
Gin Seagram's is a Premium, Extra Dry gin, obtained through double traditional distillation, cold, made from American grain, where the use of steam gives it its distinctive touch. It is aged in American white oak barrels, similar to whiskey, which helps to soften the blend before bottling. This gin originates from Waterloo, Canada, although it is currently produced in Indiana, United States. The botanicals used include juniper, cardamom, orange peel, coriander, cinnamon, cassia, nutmeg, angelica, almond, cocoa, lime, lemon, and caraway.
Appearance: Gin Seagram's has a light golden color. Clean.
Nose: Very dry, with a subtle herbaceous aroma and flavor. While maintaining the classic juniper, it allows us to distinguish exotic aromas in its composition.
Palate: Smooth, intense, and different flavor.
The best way to enjoy Gin Seagram's is with a gin and tonic. To prepare a Seagram's Gin and Tonic, you will need a balloon glass or, alternatively, a wide-mouthed glass or tumbler. All the flavor of 1950s America in one glass.