Turmeric powder - (500g /1 Kg)

from Caballo de Oros

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If you want to buy turmeric powder of great quality this is your best option. Turmeric is one of the healthiest spices or condiments that exist (it is a superfood), the knowledge of multiplehealth benefits has spread recently becoming the spice of the moment. It is the usual ingredient of many curries giving an intense orange color, very pleasing to the eye, although it is also used to color many types of dishes, including drinks or pastry dishes. [ps2id url=’#ancla1′ offset=” class=”]Read more about Turmeric…[/ps2id]

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[ps2id id='anchor1' target=''/]Turmeric powder in bag of 1 Kg or 500g [ps2id id='anchor1' target=''/]Turmeric powder in bag of 1 Kg or 500g

Turmeric is a spice that is attributed with multiple and powerful health benefits thanks to all its properties. In this section of the product sheet you can learn everything you need about turmeric so that when you buy our product you know everything you can bring this superfood.

Turmeric is a spice with multiple and powerful health benefits thanks to all its properties

But.... Actually, what is Turmeric?


The spice we know as Turmeric is actually a root of a plant that grows mainly in areas of hot climates where rain is very common such as Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, etc.) where they grow in the monsoon season. Although many people associate it with ginger which also comes from the same family, ie, zingiberaceae plants, however this spice has nothing to do with the previous beyond what has already been discussed. In addition, although below we will detail its enormous healing powers we can highlight that turmeric powder is well known for its enormous anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-aging, digestive and prevent colic.

Turmeric powder is also known for its enormous anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-aging, digestive and prevent colic properties

What is the origin of turmeric


Turmeric is actually a very old plant from India, where it is called Kukur and where it is already described in ancient manuscripts as the ancient medicine that seems to be thanks to its incredible and numerous health properties and also curiously also described as a very powerful dye, something for which we could say that currently "is no longer used", ie, here for example as a dye is used more saffron and other seasonings, but not turmeric. However, it is important to note that turmeric was originally what we might call "the saffron of India".

India's saffron

What does turmeric taste like?

When someone has never tasted a certain food, spice in this case, it is normal to ask this question; but do not worry we will try to describe the taste of turmeric as best as possible: turmeric is a very mild flavor spice, it is not an intense flavor, in fact it is very easy to camouflage it in many recipes without hardly appreciated beyond a subtle nuance of a very attractive flavor, between a little bit bitter and a little spicy (almost nothing). This makes it an enormously versatile spice as you can add it to any of your recipes without it hardly modifying or changing the flavour while thanks to its enormous medicinal powers you will be turning your recipe into a much healthier dish.

It is a spice that can be added to any of your recipes without changing the flavour while thanks to its enormous medicinal powers you will be turning your recipe into a much healthier dish

Gastronomic uses of turmeric in the kitchen.

As we already know turmeric is one of the main ingredients of the famous mix of spices called curry that is used in the cuisine of Indian, Arabic, and Asian origin in general and is also the spice that gives it that wonderful yellow color. However, in addition to being present in all kinds of curry sauces, lturmeric is a spice that can be present in fish stews, seafood, soups, poultry and other huge multitude of types of recipes, because as we said in the section on the taste of turmeric, its versatility is one of its main characteristics

The varieties of turmeric.

As you may already know there are different varieties or types of turmeric. The most consumed, being the best known of all for its many beneficial effects on the body, is called "turmeric longa", but there are also two other fairly well-known subspecies: cedoaria turmeric and Java turmeric which is especially powerful in preventing liver diseases (taking into account that turmeric in general, in all its species or varieties, is already very powerful in this regard), however turmeric longa which is the one we sell in our online store stands out for its many beneficial health properties compared to the other varieties of turmeric that also have great properties but do not reach the level of the previous one.

Consumption and recommended daily amount of turmeric.

Although turmeric is an ancient medicine that has been known since ancient times, actually scientific data about the recommended daily consumption and such metrics have come to light more or less gradually and much more recently than you might think. Keep in mind that the recommended daily amount of turmeric always takes as reference a turmeric whose composition is not altered or mixed with other substances, therefore we would be talking about a turmeric that contains at least 95% of particles called curcuminoids. The recommended daily amount for human consumption is between 200 and 800 mg according to the most recent scientific studies.

The recommended daily amount for human consumption is between 200 and 800 mg according to the most recent scientific studies

Curcumin, "the holy grail" of health properties.

The turmeric we consume should always be pure, it must be an unaltered substance so that it has as much as possible of the much appreciated "curcumin", the particle of this spice that is so beneficial to our body; a rather unstable particle once it enters our cupero, as it is difficult to absorb and often must be accompanied by other elements such as piperine black pepper that helps a greater absorption of curcumin into the bloodstream, so we see in so many healthy recipes that turmeric is often accompanied by black pepper.

Turmeric, the great ally of our health.

As we have already been announcing turmeric is a superfood, what does this mean, that consuming turmeric in the daily amounts recommended above we will be taking a big step to stay healthy and we will be helping to fight our body against all kinds of diseases, against oxidative stress and consequent cellular aging

Benefits of turmeric on liver function

As we already know turmeric is potent anti-oxidant that fights against premature aging of our cells, in this sense has numerous beneficial effects for our body as choleretic and cholagogue character, is a great ally to fight and treat for example jaundice. It could be considered a true anti-aging or anti-aging completely natural and available to anyone who wants to give flavor and color to their best recipes

Anti-flammatory benefits of turmeric

This is one of its great strengths, turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties capable of defending our body against diseases and illnesses of inflammatory type such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and others; in such situations turmeric is effective acting to modulate pro-inflammatory cytokines also reducing inflammatory prostaglandins. In short, turmeric once again, thanks to its many beneficial properties for our health contributes its bit to fight against inflammation in our body that is the cause of many ills

Anti-cancer properties of turmeric

As we have said previously turmeric is a very powerful natural anti-oxidant, this facilitates the work of regeneration of cells against the great oxidative stress they suffer from the effect of free radicals, as is already known oxidation causes inflammation and both oxidation and inflammation symptoms in our body can lead to the proliferation of all kinds of tumors, but in addition it has been shown that turmeric could cause inhibition of inducible cyclooxygenase (COX-2) and some cytokines; for example: IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-alpha, which, when misregulated could be the cause of different types of cancers.

Turmeric as an ally against gastrointestinal diseases

The gastric mucosa is absolutely essential for the entire digestive process and the body in general; in this sense, thanks to certain properties turmeric is able to increase the secretions of digestive mucus in the digestive tract and what does this mean, the mucus of the gastric tube is a natural protection against gastric secretions (such as gastric acids) that are highly flammable and can cause lesions of all kinds, including LCH (a type of cancer quite rare). In short, this means that turmeric by increasing these secretions is increasing the protection of the digestive tract against injury caused by gastric acids. In addition, as we already know that it has anti-inflammatory properties also helps fight intestinal inflammation

Turmeric is also beneficial for our skin.

Turmeric is also beneficial for our skin

Among the main benefits that turmeric has prepared for our body we can also highlight the dermatological, because as we already know turmeric has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect due to its great anti-oxidant capacity which is hugely beneficial for diseases such as psoriasis, acne, vitiligo, scleroderma, etc.. To achieve a greater effect in this sense it is possible to make a preparation as some kind of turmeric oil for direct application on the skin (and specifically on the affected area), as a result of its great anti-oxidant power in addition is also a completely natural anti-aging, also has anti-microbial effects very beneficial to our health.


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