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The Agar agar in strips is not itself an algae, but a white substance, formed by an extract of algae from the genera Gelidium, Eucheuma, and Gracilaria.
The word "agar" comes from the Malay agar-agar, which means "jelly."
When dissolved in hot water and cooled, it becomes gelatinous. Its main use is in food, as a thickener for soups, vegetable jellies, ice creams, and some desserts. Also as a clarifying agent for beer.
Due to its high purity, it is also used in research (microbiology).
Use the following link if you prefer to purchase Agar agar in flakes.
Let us explain why Agar agar in strips is a reference to use in our dishes, desserts, and recipes with gelatin.
It is the highest quality marine gelatin, 100% Vegetable. Satiating and low in calories. Agar agar is the vegan option for commercial gelatin.
Because we should treat seaweed as just another vegetable and introduce it into our kitchen for regular use, its characteristics are very beneficial for our health. And as we explained, Agar agar is making a strong impact and is already in the hands of the best chefs and nutritionists.