Without gluten
Ingredients: Agua, arroz, pollo (12’5%)(pollo, dextrosa, sal), aceite de oliva, pimiento rojo y verde, cebolla frita (cebolla, aceite de oliva, sal), sal, curry (0’9%), ajo, maltodextrina, aromas, hortalizas y verduras deshidratadas (cebolla, zanahoria, puerro), aceite vegetal de girasol, perejil, especias, pimienta negra y hierbas aromáticas.
The Rice with Chicken Curry has a very tasty exotic flavor that transports us directly to India. It is a very complete rice with chicken and vegetables, and the curry gives it an exquisite aroma and flavor. Gluten free. Format: 300 g.
Format: 300 g
If you like exotic flavors and Indian food, this is your ideal dish. The Royal Chef Chicken Curry Rice is a tasty rice full of delicious flavors and aromas. In addition, it is gluten free.
Royal Chef Chicken Curry Rice