Bon Nadal extra raw chickpeas, one of our most consumed pulses.
Bon Nadal extra raw chickpeas, one of our most consumed pulses
They are very energetic, nutritious, and contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, fibre and proteins.
Chickpeas were cultivated in the Mediterranean and spread to the rest of the world. Nowadays they are one of the most consumed legumes. They contain many nutritional properties. They are very energetic, nutritious and have a high content of vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein, so they are recommended for a healthy diet.
They contain vitamins of the B group (B1, B2, B6, B9), C, E and K. Chickpeas have minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc
It is rich in vegetable protein, combat anemia, take care of the health of our liver, have lecithin that helps eliminate fat, protect us against cardiovascular disease and promote good blood circulation.
They take care of our digestive system, have a diuretic effect, helping to eliminate retained fluids. They are beneficial for people with hypertension, combat states of fatigue and tiredness (physical - mental), and take care of the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system
They also have folates that promote the proper functioning of the nervous system and are able to reduce the risk of heart attacks. The essential fatty acids they possess protect vital organs, facilitate the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and are rich in fiber that facilitates a regular transit avoiding constipation
They are very beneficial especially in cases of diabetes. For its folic acid content are very beneficial during pregnancy and lactation to prevent malformations and developmental problems
Chickpeas have slow absorption carbohydrates, so they do not cause sugar spikes, give us energy and keep us satiated longer, something very desirable in diets for weight loss and diabetics
They are consumed as an appetizer if you buy them toasted or raw in many recipes, stews, salads and our new addition to the Spanish cuisine, the very tasty hummus
Tags: Pulses and Seeds, Legumes, Chickpeas, Chickpea Bon Nadal extra