Appellation of origin
Appellation of origin
Ingredients: Paleta y magro de cerdo, sal, pimienta, dextrosa, antioxidante, extracto de romero, conservador nitrato potásico y tripa natural.
Container: Envasado al vacío
Mark: Casa Riera - Ordeix Plaça dels Sants Màrtirs 14 - 08500 Vic (España)
Weight: 200 gr.
The legitimate Vic fuet of "Casa Riera Ordeix" is still made with ingredients of the highest quality and the same traditional recipe handed down for generations, which has led him to become a benchmark, noted for its intense aroma and an exquisite taste on the palate
The legitimate Fuet de Vic is a 100% natural product of exceptional quality, made by hand, in a process that begins with the selection of the finest meats from their own herd of pigs, these are chopped and mixed with diced bacon, obtaining a mixture of flavor and texture especially delicate, then seasoned with salt and pepper, leaving it to rest until its optimum point of healing, at which point it is stuffed into natural casing, after which it is ready for a completely natural curing, being precisely this the fundamental part of the process, since for this the same original wooden drying sheds are still used as in 1852, where they wait patiently for its curing, sheltered by the microclimate of the Plana de Vic (which gives it its PGI) to do the rest, and which is responsible for the result of a product as unique as exquisite.
Ingredients: Paleta y magro de cerdo, sal, pimienta, dextrosa, antioxidante, extracto de romero, conservador nitrato potásico y tripa natural.
Container: Envasado al vacío
Mark: Casa Riera - Ordeix Plaça dels Sants Màrtirs 14 - 08500 Vic (España)
Weight: 200 gr.
The legitimate Vic fuet of "Casa Riera Ordeix" is still made with ingredients of the highest quality and the same traditional recipe handed down for generations, which has led him to become a benchmark, noted for its intense aroma and an exquisite taste on the palate
The legitimate Fuet de Vic is a 100% natural product of exceptional quality, made by hand, in a process that begins with the selection of the finest meats from their own herd of pigs, these are chopped and mixed with diced bacon, obtaining a mixture of flavor and texture especially delicate, then seasoned with salt and pepper, leaving it to rest until its optimum point of healing, at which point it is stuffed into natural casing, after which it is ready for a completely natural curing, being precisely this the fundamental part of the process, since for this the same original wooden drying sheds are still used as in 1852, where they wait patiently for its curing, sheltered by the microclimate of the Plana de Vic (which gives it its PGI) to do the rest, and which is responsible for the result of a product as unique as exquisite.