Jamones y Embutidos Niño Manuel
Iberian hams and shoulders from Iberian pigs raised in freedom. (Huelva)
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Shipping time: 24 - 72 h
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Iberian hams and shoulders from Iberian pigs raised in freedom. (Huelva)
Niño Manuel is a family-owned company dedicated to the commercialization of all products made from Iberian pork. We are located in the town of Aracena, situated in the heart of the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche (Huelva), which allows us to benefit from the excellent environmental conditions provided by the mountains, such as cold and dry winds in autumn and winter, and high temperatures in spring and summer. This enables us to achieve an unmistakable and unmatched quality in our products.
At Niño Manuel, our Iberian products are made from Iberian breed pigs, raised freely and naturally, and fed with the resources provided by the different pastures and meadows of the Iberian Peninsula, which are renowned for their high-quality acorn fruit. This means that our pigs are pampered from birth to their final stage, specially bred for us and to our liking.
Our pigs are slaughtered and butchered, making use of every part to create the different preparations of our products. We have spacious facilities, approved according to current community regulations, and we have several natural drying rooms that allow for optimal curing and subsequent commercialization. This meticulous care is taken from the beginning of the curing process until the perfect maturation of the product.
At Niño Manuel, we strive for our products to reflect the tradition and craftsmanship of this family-owned company when they are enjoyed.
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Shipping time: 24 - 72 h