Labadía 6.3 200 g

from Petramora


Aged hard cheese made with raw milk from Churra sheep and aged for a minimum of 9 months. Limited edition cheese inspired by Swiss techniques for making washed-rind cow's milk cheeses.

Cooked curd cheese (curd is heated to 50ºC) with a firm washed rind texture and a unique aromatic intensity characteristic of cheeses of this type. In the mouth, it is a cheese with a firm texture, medium/dry grain, and a marked character with slightly sweet aromatic notes, reduction, very fruity (hazelnuts), floral, and very clean. Due to its aging, it is a more meaty, intense, and elegant cheese that slowly reveals itself in the mouth.

This cheese, due to its production, reminds us of cheeses like Comté or Gruyère. A novel version with the addition of raw Churra sheep's milk.

Limited edition. These cheeses are made with milk from the spring of 2023, which provides floral nuances based on the green feeding of our sheep. In this season, the farm is in full herbaceous and floral bloom. More than 100 liters of fresh milk are needed for each cheese wheel.

Ideal to pair with wood-aged white wines, ciders, fortified wines, and sparkling wines.

Recommended to consume at room temperature. Non-edible rind.

Minimum guaranteed weight: 200g Producer: Labadía de Petramora. Origin: Dehesa de la Guadaña, Zamora. Milk type: Raw sheep's milk. Coagulation: lactic. Type: cooked curd and washed rind. Aging: +9 months. Intensity: high. Presentation: vacuum-packed. Storage: refrigeration at 6ºC.

Gluten-free product. Allergens: Dairy.

Translated automatically
<p>El origen de <strong>Labadía </strong>comienza en la <strong>Dehesa de la Guadaña, Zamora,</strong> nuestra finca de 680 hectáreas donde pastorean en libertad nuestras <strong>vacas pardas de montaña y ovejas churras,</strong> ambas razas autóctonas, en convivencia con garzas reales, jabalíes, corzos, aves rapaces y otros animales domésticos de nuestra granja.</p><p>La Dehesa limita con 4km de<strong> Río Esla,</strong> afluente principal del Duero, que riega y nos proporciona agua fresca ilimitada durante todo el año en un ecosistema natural formado por<strong> 16.000 encinas,</strong> fresnos, álamos blancos, chopos del país, y tierras de pasto y cultivo que alimentan a nuestros animales. Un paisaje que posee identidad y biodiversidad propia.  </p><p>Cada día, nos encargamos de proporcionar a nuestros animales los mejores cuidados, esforzándonos por conseguir un bienestar real en cada momento de su crianza. Nuestras carnes y lácteos son fruto de años de dedicación, investigación y un modelo de gestión sostenible.  </p><p>Esto nos ha convertido, en 2015, en la primera ganadería española en obtener el<strong> Certificado de Bienestar Animal AENOR.  </strong></p><p> </p>
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No minimum order Shipping time: 12 - 24h

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