Traditional roast suckling lamb 1/2

from Petramora


Expiration date: 05/18/24 - Roast suckling lamb in the traditional style. Made with selected suckling lambs of the Castilian-Leonese Churra breed, exclusively fed with mother's milk and following the knowledge of the purest Castilian roasters. We cook this suckling lamb following a traditional roasting method and cooking at low temperature to achieve the juiciest flavor of this unmatched product. In this new recipe, no extra water is used in its preparation and it is subjected to a previous browning. Approximate net weight: 2.0-3.0 kg. Pack composed of: 1 front quarter and 1 rear quarter separately. Packaging: vacuum-sealed. Servings: 6/8 servings. Storage method: Keep in the refrigerator from 0 to 5 ºC. Preparation time: 15/20 minutes. Gluten-free, no preservatives. Product of Spain. Preparation method: 1. Preheat the oven to 250º 2. Remove the lamb from the vacuum bag and drain all its sauce. 3. Place the lamb in a baking tray and bake for 25/30 minutes until desired browning is achieved. 4. Once the lamb is toasted, add the sauce to the baking tray, scrape with a spatula, and strain the juice from the tray into a saucepan. 5. Bring the sauce to a boil and sauce the roasted lamb just before serving. 6. Serve with a good salad of lettuce and fresh scallions dressed with a good vinaigrette. Ideal to enjoy with our D.O. Ribera del Duero wines. In addition to buying roasted suckling lamb online, you may also be interested in our fresh suckling lamb.
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<p>El origen de Labadía comienza en la Dehesa de la Guadaña, Zamora, nuestra finca d<strong>e </strong>680 hectáreas donde pastorean en libertad nuestras vacas pardas de montaña y ovejas churras, ambas razas autóctonas, en convivencia con garzas reales, jabalíes, corzos, aves rapaces y otros animales domésticos de nuestra granja como caballos, ocas o gallinas. </p><p>La Dehesa limita con 4km de Río Esla, afluente principal del Duero, que riega y nos proporciona agua fresca ilimitada durante todo el año en un ecosistema natural formado por 16.000 encinas, fresnos, álamos blancos, chopos del país, y tierras de pasto y cultivo que alimentan a nuestros animales. Un paisaje que posee identidad y biodiversidad propia. </p><p>Cada día, nos encargamos de proporcionar a nuestros animales los mejores cuidados, esforzándonos por conseguir un bienestar real en cada momento de su crianza. Nuestras carnes y lácteos son fruto de años de dedicación, investigación y un modelo de gestión sostenible. </p>
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