León sausage

from Petramora


Chorizo de León made by Embutidos Entrepeñas. A chorizo with long curing in natural drying rooms in the mountain air at over 1200 meters of altitude in the fantastic village of Geras, within an environment declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

We can say that the chorizo from León is one of the most famous and recognized in our gastronomy and without a doubt, the chorizo from Geras is a great representative of these.

A lot of ham meat and a small percentage of fat are the keys to making this unique chorizo, which is traditionally seasoned with spicy Pimentón de la Vera D.O., salt, and garlic. Cured and smoked with natural smoke from oak and holm oak from controlled logging in forests nearby.

Format: Horseshoe Approx. Weight: 500 g Packaging: vacuum packed Origin: Geras (León) Contains no preservatives or colorants. Gluten-free product

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No minimum order Shipping time: 12 - 24h

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