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The best Moscatel Málaga 7 Crowns raisins in Extra quality with Designation of Origin. Authentic, new harvest from 2024/2025.
This variety of Moscatel raisins with seeds, black and large in size, is very sweet, and the most appreciated among its competitors. Many times they place this excellent raisin as seedless raisin, this variety of raisin does not exist seedless.
Moscatel raisins are rich in carbohydrates, close to 70%. They also provide potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, provitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin B3, and have a high fiber content. They have a high calcium content necessary for bone formation and the prevention of osteoporosis.
Raisins, due to their provitamin A content, are an excellent antioxidant that prevents muscle degeneration, presbyopia, and cataracts. The oleanolic acid present in raisins provides oral protection by inhibiting bacterial growth in our mouth. With a high content of magnesium and potassium, they considerably reduce the acidity in our body.Due to their germicidal, antioxidant, and antibiotic properties, they are highly recommended for bacterial and viral infections. Raisins contain an antioxidant called calequin that is very effective in preventing tumors and colon cancer. They also help in the formation of new red blood cells.
This food has a high content of flavonoids, and one of them, miricetin, has antioxidant properties. Recent studies indicate that miricetin can protect against Alzheimer's. Due to its phosphorus content, it is recommended for consumption during old age and as a remedy for memory loss. In many countries, they are also highly valued as an aphrodisiac, as they contain an amino acid called arginine that is associated with increased sexual libido, used to treat impotence and infertility.
Their consumption is highly recommended for children and those who play sports or have a job that requires intense physical effort, as they provide a lot of energy. They are also recommended for combating anemia.
They are used to prepare soups, omelets, meat dishes, cold or warm salads, cakes, or to eat as a snack.
Tags: Dried fruit, Raisins, Málaga Moscatel Raisins 7 crowns