Ingredients: Cebolla, Ajo, Sal, Pimienta Negra, Cilantro, Azúcar, Mostaza, Perejil, Comino, Romero, Tomillo.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: NoMU - 41 Aviation Crescent Airport City - 7490 Cape Town (Sudáfrica)
Weight: 60 gr.
As its name suggests, but we insist, because this spice blend is truly so versatile that there is no recipe it can't conquer, from meats to fish, and even chicken or turkey, it goes well with everything!!!!!.
Ingredients: Cebolla, Ajo, Sal, Pimienta Negra, Cilantro, Azúcar, Mostaza, Perejil, Comino, Romero, Tomillo.
Container: Lata metálica
Mark: NoMU - 41 Aviation Crescent Airport City - 7490 Cape Town (Sudáfrica)
Weight: 60 gr.
As its name suggests, but we insist, because this spice blend is truly so versatile that there is no recipe it can't conquer, from meats to fish, and even chicken or turkey, it goes well with everything!!!!!.