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Quinoa with seaweed is an exceptional option to add to your diet. Quinoa with seaweed contains Royal Quinoa from the Bolivian Andes and wild Atlantic Wakame seaweed (50 gr of wakame per kilo of product). Rich in proteins of high biological value. Available in 500g format. The combination of the above ingredients creates a delicious dish full of vitamins and nutrients
On our website you can buy quinoa with seaweed quickly and easily. In addition this page is full of nutritious and healthy products. The shipment will arrive at your home in 24-48 business hours
From Algas de Galicia we are going to explain why buying quinoa with seaweed is an exceptional option to add to your diet. Quinoa with seaweed contains Royal Quinoa from the Bolivian Andes and wild Atlantic Wakame seaweed (50 gr of wakame per kilo of product). Rich in proteins of high biological value. Available in 500g format. The combination of the above ingredients creates a delicious dish full of vitamins and nutrients
In addition to buying soup with seaweed on this website you can buy other products with the best value for money market in seaweed
For its taste and smell
Properties of wakame seaweed
If you are interested in healthy and Vegan food, we recommend Eat healthy eat vegan
If you want to know more about the nutritional value of seaweed you can click here