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The seaweed Percebe (Codium) SUPERIOR QUALITY of Mar de Ardora brings us a superior quality within the algae, harvested and treated in the Galician coasts born in its beaten waters and treated with the greatest possible care and attention, to give us a seaweed of such good quality, that is one of the preferred by the best chefs and cooks worldwide.
Superior Quality
Net weight: 30g
Percebe seaweed (Codium sp)
The dehydrated barnacle seaweed (codium), or as we like to call it: "barnacle seaweed", for its incredible flavor of this famous seafood, is one of the tastiest seaweeds of the Galician coast. The result is spectacular, even consuming it dehydrated directly as a snack. It is a source of mineral salts such as sodium, calcium, iron and copper, as well as vitamins A, C, B1 and B2 It has a high antioxidant and alkalizing value Vegan product.
Codium seaweed (Codium)?
Codium percebe seaweed is for those of you who do not know this dehydrated barnacle seaweed, we tell you that it is an upright seaweed, reaching up to 40 cm, it is presented in a branched form, being its branches rounded. It has a spongy, elastic consistency, and to the touch it reminds us of velvet. It presents an intense green color and has a very fleshy texture, with an unmistakable flavor that reminds us of the authentic Galician barnacle, hence the name "barnacle seaweed"
Although in many villages there is no tradition of cooking with seaweed, the truth is that these sea vegetables provide a lot of fiber and minerals, are low in carbohydrates, have virtually no fat and, moreover, its cultivation is very sustainable. For these reasons, it may be interesting to introduce them in the diet
It has a spongy and soft texture and a slightly salty flavor that goes well with all kinds of recipes and stews:
Cruda: It is chopped and added to any preparation. Cruda: It is chopped and added to any preparation
Boiled: It is boiled only for a short time, about 3 minutes, so that it does not lose any of its properties
Below we leave you a link in case you prefer to try the perch barnacle seaweed (codium) au natural. If you want to know more about the nutritional value of seaweed you can click hereWhat nutrients do seaweeds have?
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