Temporarily out of stock
Origin: Vigo.
Origin: Vigo
The emperor is a semi-fatty fish that belongs to the family of oily fish as it has just over 4 grams of fat per 100 grams of edible portion, its protein content is not the highest, but if of great nutritional value because they include all the essential amino acids.
The emperor is a semi-fatty fish that belongs to the family of oily fish as it has just over 4 grams of fat per 100 grams of edible portion, its protein content is not the highest, although of great nutritional value because they include all the essential amino acids
It contains different vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins, include the B group as B3, B6, B9, B12, and D, among the minerals include selenium and phosphorus.
Vitamin B3 or niacin is present in the emperor in high quantities, although not outstanding when compared, for example, with those contained in tuna or bonito (almost twice as much)
Vitamin B6, promotes the formation of red blood cells, blood cells and hormones, while involved in the process of functioning of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in our body.
Vitamin B6, promotes the formation of red blood cells, blood cells and hormones, while involved in the process of functioning of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in our body
It also has Vitamins B12, B9, Selenium and rich in phosphorus