Ingredients: Arroz bomba
Container: Bolsa de Kraft
Mark: Illa de Riu - S.A.T. El Pantar Burjasenia - 43896 L'Aldea Delta del Ebro (España)
Weight: 1 kg.
Did you know that the variety of rice known as bomba rice was already cultivated in the nineteenth century, and the truth is that it is not surprising if we take into account its flavor and properties, in fact it is one of the most appreciated for its quality and culinary versatility, and is that when cooking it increases up to twice its length, it does not get soggy and also offers excellent consistency and flavor. Specifically, the "Illa de Riu" Bomba rice is grown on the farm of the same name with selected seeds, without any mixture, hence its flavor is far superior to the usual, truly unparalleled, as recognized by some chefs, who use it regularly in their prestigious restaurants.
Special mention should be made of the two stars obtained in the Superior Taste Award granted by the ITQI International Taste & Quality Institute, being the only European rice that has received this award to date.
Our Recommendations:
We recommend you to include 3 proportions of water or broth to one of rice
We advise you to include 3 proportions of water or broth for one of rice, its cooking time is 20 minutes. The Illa de Riu bomba rice is characterized by perfectly absorbing the flavor of the food that accompanies it
Ingredients: Arroz bomba
Container: Bolsa de Kraft
Mark: Illa de Riu - S.A.T. El Pantar Burjasenia - 43896 L'Aldea Delta del Ebro (España)
Weight: 1 kg.
Did you know that the variety of rice known as bomba rice was already cultivated in the nineteenth century, and the truth is that it is not surprising if we take into account its flavor and properties, in fact it is one of the most appreciated for its quality and culinary versatility, and is that when cooking it increases up to twice its length, it does not get soggy and also offers excellent consistency and flavor. Specifically, the "Illa de Riu" Bomba rice is grown on the farm of the same name with selected seeds, without any mixture, hence its flavor is far superior to the usual, truly unparalleled, as recognized by some chefs, who use it regularly in their prestigious restaurants.
Special mention should be made of the two stars obtained in the Superior Taste Award granted by the ITQI International Taste & Quality Institute, being the only European rice that has received this award to date.
Our Recommendations:
We recommend you to include 3 proportions of water or broth to one of rice
We advise you to include 3 proportions of water or broth for one of rice, its cooking time is 20 minutes. The Illa de Riu bomba rice is characterized by perfectly absorbing the flavor of the food that accompanies it