Ingredients: Rooibos, mate, limonaria, lemon grass, raíz de regaliz, trozos de jengibre, pimienta rosa, flores de caléndula, hojas de hierbabuena, cáscara de limón, pimienta negra , aromas naturales.Alérgenos: SIN GLUTEN. * de agricultura ecológica.
Digestive infusions that you can take at any time of the day and that, not containing theine and unless medically indicated, can be consumed by all members of the family, especially if they contain rooibos, as does this infusion of ginger and lemon from organic production. ECOLOGICAL, GLUTEN FREE, NO SUGARS ADDED, ORGANIC, VEGAN Certified by: ES-ECO-001-CM Non-EU Agriculture Addressed to: it is an infusion that is highly recommended to reduce the symptoms of colds, allowing the airways to open, thanks mainly to the peppermint and licorice, as well as reduce possible sore throats and improve our defenses
Diarrhea or vomiting also have a solution with this infusion