Smoked Idiazabal cheese 1/2

from Petramora


Limited edition of exclusive smoked DOP Idiazábal de Pastor cheese, made with raw milk from their own free-range latxa sheep, hand-milked, hence its designation "de pastor." In the production of this Idiazábal de Pastor, traditional production methods are respected. This cheese is made with the first milks produced in spring, giving the cheese a unique aroma and flavor characteristic of the pastures that served as food for the sheep during the milking period. A nearly extinct method that is being recovered through the efforts of Ricardo Remiro and Cristina Ruiz de Larramendi, leading a family dairy that inherits the cheesemaking and shepherding tradition of their ancestors and produces their cheese with raw milk from their own latxa sheep herds. Undoubtedly, an example of the recovery of rural areas and the almost extinct profession of shepherding. It is a matured cheese with a very fine hard paste. With a peculiar intense and characteristic smell of latxa sheep's milk with smoky notes, compact and firm texture, broad and clean taste of matured sheep's milk. Cheese made in the spring of 2023. The Idiazabal Remiro cheese is one of the most recognized cheeses in Spain, and has won numerous awards such as the Silver Medal at the World Cheese Awards 2016. It is recommended to consume at room temperature. Unit weight: 600g (approx.) Producer: Remiro Dairy Origin: Eulate (Navarra) Type of milk: raw latxa sheep's milk Coagulation: Enzymatic Type: Smoked Maturation: 60 days Intensity: strong Storage: refrigeration at 6ºC Best before: see label Product is gluten-free. Allergens: Dairy, lysozyme.
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