
from Corte Astur



The rib is the part of the veal that is located next to the calf. This meat is characterized by having a high proportion of bone, connective tissue, ligaments and elastic. The rib is the cartilaginous bones that include part of the calf's flank, and is used to make the well-known churrasco. It is a very tender and juicy meat with an exquisite flavor

The rib is usually prepared on the grill or for stews

Prepare the best meals and enjoy the company of those closest to you. Accompany these dishes with your favorite garnish such as potatoes, vegetables or any other ingredient that gives it a different flavor

At CorteAstur we care about the living conditions of our Asturian calves, so we adapt our animals to traditional breeding methods, keeping them in complete freedom, in a stress-free environment, along with a natural diet based on Asturian pastures, GMO-free feed and no palm oil derivatives.

That's why we adapt our animals to traditional breeding methods, keeping them in complete freedom, in a stress-free environment, along with a natural diet based on Asturian pastures, GMO-free feed and no palm oil derivatives

Thus our concern to obtain the AENOR Animal Welfare certificate, guaranteeing a responsible and careful handling of each of our animals, together with the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) seal

That is why we ensure that the conditions of our meats are correct at all times, maintaining a cold temperature in the shipment of orders

Don't wait any longer and place your order!

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Corte Astur
No minimum order Shipping time: 3 - 4 work days

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